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November Meeting "Four Ways Authors Make Money from Publishing" with Attorney / Literary Agent Paul S. Levine

  • Saturday, November 01, 2014
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Rancho Mirage Library Community Room, 71-100 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Four Ways Authors Make Money
 From Publishing 
 Fingers on Your Keyboard 
Dollars in Your Bank Account 
presented by

Get the facts!
Important legal principles & processes 
you must be aware of on 
your journey into publication.

The nuts and bolts of the business of writing are as essential to your success as the writing itself. 

How does a writer get an agent and an attorney? 

How will your written work get sold, and how will you be compensated? 

What will the agent and the lawyer do for you as the writer? How are they compensated? 

Mr. Levine's presentation will also touch on:  

  • The principles of copyright law as the underpinnings of all writing. 
  • What agents do and what lawyers do, how their functions sometimes overlap and how they differ; 
  • The process of obtaining an agent and a lawyer, when and why an agent is - or may not be- necessary; 
  • How agents and lawyers are compensated by their clients; 
  • The content of a typical collaboration agreement and three reasons why one is an absolute necessity; 
  • Detail of a typical publishing agreement--royalties, advances, rights granted and rights withheld, etc.; 
  • The editing process: what happens if the publisher rejects the manuscript, the publisher’s ultimate acceptance of the manuscript, actual publication after acceptance, and promotion and publicity. 

Make it your business to learn the business of writing! This is a perfect opportunity for to get some great information if you are currently writing or considering writing for publication. 

Question and Answer forum will be available at the end of this presentation.

About this presenter:

Attorney Paul S. Levine wears two hats–he is a lawyer and a literary agent. Mr. Levine has practiced entertainment law for over 30 years, specializing in the representation of writers, producers, actors, directors, composers, musicians, artists, authors, photographers, galleries, publishers, developers, production companies and theater companies in the fields of motion pictures, television, interactive multimedia, live stage, recorded music, concerts, the visual arts, publishing, and advertising. Since starting his literary agency, Mr. Levine has sold over 100 adult, young adult, and children’s fiction and non-fiction books to at least 50 different publishers and has had many books developed as movies-for-television and feature films.

Contact person for this meeting:  

Ed Lopatin, VP, PSWG Programs,

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