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January Contest (Learn More)

  • Wednesday, January 01, 2025
  • 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday, January 21, 2025
  • 11:59 PM


  • Submit a polished 500-word essay. Winner will be featured at our next Writers' Forum. Open to members only.


Announcing our next Writing Contest

January Contest: Forgiveness v. Revenge

Contest Registration Opens: January 1, 2025
Submission Deadline: January 21, 2025

Write 500 words (maximum) on the prompt and submit for chance to win $50 or free registration to a Writing Lab or In-Person Workshop (winner's choice). Winning essay will be read at next Writers Forum, and may be posted to website if winner wishes.


We look forward to reading your entries!

Entry Submission Rules

Be sure to comply with all requirements. As with most professional writing submissions, there is no leeway on the rules. Questions? Please contact:

1. Must be a member of Palm Springs Writers Guild with current, active status.
2. Entries accepted between the opening date and submission deadline posted above.
3. Please enter contest by registering online for each entry. You may enter up to 3 times. Submit multiple entries separately.
4. Each entry is 500 word maximum
5. Must be submitted as a MS Word document
6. One inch margins, double-spaced
7. 12-point Times Roman or Times New Roman
8. Indented paragraphs
9. Title must be included in the document header. You may not use the contest theme as your title
10. Pagination must be included in the document footer.
11. Do not include your name anywhere on the submitted document, only in the body of your e-mail.
12. Please submit your entry as an email attachment and send it to, no hard copies accepted. 
13. The subject line of your email will read the title of your work (not the contest theme name)
14. Blind submission entries are judged by the PSWG Board.
15. Winner will be announced at the next Writers Forum.

Judging Criteria

  1. Adherence to all rules above.
  2. Adherence to the theme or prompt.
  3. Compelling and original plot:
    a. Traditionally consists of a beginning (exposition), middle (development), and end (climax and resolution).
    b. However, if your piece is fiction, very short pieces often consist of a “slice of life.” The narrative should still exhibit a plot-like arc so that the story feels self-contained and complete.
  4. Compelling and original characters
    a. At a minimum, the viewpoint character has dimension, with a substantial stake in the story’s resolution, making the reader care.
    b. Dialogue is believable and suited to each character.
  5. Consistency of narrative voice:
    a. Point of view; first, second, or third person.
    b. Level of omniscience: omniscient or all-knowing narrator, limited-omniscient narrator, or non-omniscient “objective” narrator.
  6. Fundamental writing skills:
    a. Spelling. Punctuation. Grammar. Usage.       
  7. The writer’s “secret sauce” that, when blended with the above criteria, makes the story stand out. For example:
    a. Artistry and clarity of language.
    b. Creation of mood through setting, description, and detail.
    c. Distinctness of voice.
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